This year’s holiday season is different from previous years. Normally there are office parties, in-person get-togethers to celebrate this festive time to promote some team-.
Today many of the events are virtual or sadly not at all. Many of the suppliers realize the problem and are offering drop shipping. This is a plus because you can still inspire people and get ideas out. Plan inventive ideas to make them engaging, entertaining, and memorable.
Start working on teamwork. Now is a good time to offer items that will appeal to your users. Soup mugs are popular at this time of year due to the weather cooling down. You might find that as this pandemic continues more and more companies are going to go virtual. Sipping my soup with a special gift will inspire those to come with ideas. Make them warm and friendly.
My son-in-law works for a major corporation and they are all working remotely. There are no plans in the near future to go back. Every time they think they will go back a new virus appeals. This is going to be the norm. What managers are noticing that at home employees are actually more productive. Just because an employee works from home doesn’t mean that they do not need rewarded, as they do. This is where promotional products become more important. Everyone likes to feel special. That little gift that says “Happy Holidays” or “Thank You” goes a long way.
You can send out festive decorating ideas. This year many of our Christmas ornaments are popular and fun. Another popular giveaway are desk plants. We offer air plants which do not require much in the way of Maintenance. Even though holiday is almost over, it is still important to make your staff feel appreciated. You do not have to have a holiday party. When you look at the statics, they point out that employees feel appreciated when they receive a special gift from their employer. When your child does something well you compliment them. Doing the same for employees will go a long way to productivity