When one thinks of a wine tote or wine bag , you think of a bag for travel, eating out, picnics, and parties. Great Christmas gifts that are great giveaways to carry your brand or message showing it off to new customers. They are very popular during the holidays. Many of the selection of wine totes are really not expensive but leaves a great lasting impression.
Garrett Specialties has an array of designs as well as price range. Many will keep your wine chilled until you get to your destination. Many restaurants are BOYB. This great giveaway is one your customers’ will not throw away so your logo lasts. No one likes to walk into a restaurant with an bottle so a wine tote is the answer. What if you do not drink the whole bottle, just slip it in the bag or tote and take the remainder home.
Wine totes and bags come in an array of material. We have padded ones so you don’t break the bottle, neoprene, leather, synthetic leather, cooler totes. If your recipients does not drink the tote is still a great idea. Bring your own beverage or bring the bag to carry home ant leftovers without being obvious. Wine enthusiasts like to be able to bring their own wine. Wine totes make great wedding gifts, engagement gifts and graduation gifts.
When you type in on a Google search for wine totes, you get 27,700,000 results. Must be something to these smart simple stylish bags. One of our popular wine bag is the Bota Bag. Instead of carrying your wine in a tote bag, you put your wine directly into the bag.

So remember to have on hand the reusable wine tote for the concert, or outdoor event. Just keep the party going while increasing brand awareness with your logo or message at the pricing that will not break the bank.