Door Hangers are a great tool to get the word out without being a pest to your clients. We all like to know what what house sold in our neighborhood. What a great low cost and effective marketing tool for realtors. When I sold real estate 25 years ago and even today people do not like you knocking on their doors. We were told we had a farm area and we needed to knock on doors to get listings hoping we would nap someone who was ready to sell. You can get the same point across without bothering anyone by putting a door hanger on their door. You can customized it anyway you want, whether asking for a listing or displaying houses that sold in your neighborhood. You can take advantage of four color processing and make your message pop.
Say you want to open a business or advertise an old one. Hand a door hanger that water proof that easily slips over the door knob. Make your door hanger eye catching and get the word out. Make this advertising your own and you will stand out in a crowd. Running for office. Door hangers are great marketing materials to promote yourself.
So whether you are starting a new business, just want to keep your corporate name in front of the customers or potential prospects you can design the marketing tool and make it your own. Be creative and make it eye catching.
You just don’t need to hang door hangers on someone’s door. They also make great mailers. We think of the pizzeria, realtor, landscaper, or roofer when we think door hangers but this inexpensive advertising tool will work for any business, charity or campaign.
I remember going to a hotel and on the door for the guests was a door hanger that said “Quiet Please”. The hotel told us that the door hanger was for us to take home. I use it today and go back to that hotel for vacations because my door hanger reminds me of the place we stayed.
So you can attract customers in any specific area and customize them for any visual you want to create.