We carry the best umbrellas for a rainy day. We are looking for that sturdy and windproof umbrella in case of the out break of rain or drizzle. I can tell you personally when it rains and I do not have an umbrella I get very frustrated. So now I always keep one in my car, at my desk at work, and my house. You do not have to spend a lot of money but if it is too cheap then it will break and then you will be spending twice a much for another umbrella that is quality. We have several different sizes from small to large golf umbrellas, wind umbrellas, and all will keep you dry as well as our golf umbrellas will protect you from the sun.
The most annoying thing is when it is windy and raining and then your umbrella turns inside out. Now while you are fussing with the umbrella you are all wet. I am not auditioning for the movie “Singin’ in the Rain. So this is where Garrett Specialties can help. We offer a selection of custom umbrellas where you can imprint your logo and make your customers happy as well as your employees. We all want to give something out that we know will not get thrown away so our logo lasts for a very long time. So where did the word come from??? Umbrella stems from the French word “ombre” which means shade or shadow. Originally the umbrellas was meant to protect you from the sun and then someone had the great idea to use them in the rain

Umbrellas have become a fashion statement and the must have fashion statement. Now before you make decision do you buy a simple rain umbrella, a golf umbrella, one for work, and a wedding. We have a large selection of colors for your decision.