Observe Nurses Week all year long by showing appreciation with a gift they will cherish. Everything conceivable has been thrown at us, personally and professionally. If you are a Nurse, the pressure has been even greater. Not only does your livelihood hang in the balance, but so does the well-being of any one you come in contact with. Garrett Specialties has been a leader in the promotional products industry for 25 years. We are proud of the fact that we appreciate of our nurses. You don’t have to wait until May to celebrate nurses’ week. Nurses deserve all of the honor and recognition for the hard work that they do, especially in the wake of Covid-19 that has claimed the lives of thousands in the US. We offer plenty gifts for you to show appreciation for our outstanding nurse such as pens, stuffed animals, mugs, tote bags, indoor and outdoor items. View our selection of fun, practical and inexpensive nurses week gift ideas for those special Nurses, Nursing Assistants.
Recognize the entire nursing and healthcare responders. You can take just about any of our products and create a thank you we appreciate what you do. What our nurses do warms our heart. It takes a certain person to be a nurse. They are the lifeline from the doctor to the patient. My husband was in the hospital for 4 1/2 months and I was able to watch nurses first hand. Without the nurse team he would not have survived. It takes a certain individual to be a nurse and work on the front lines caring for our loved ones. When I gave gifts to the nurses for their unrelenting attention to my husband, they were beyond appreciative and did not expect anything. Not only did I give them personal gifts but I bought in large trays of cookies. Many do not take the breaks they need as they need to do just one more thing. The cookies were a hit. They all wanted us to come back when my husband could walk again.
I for one acknowledge the importance of these wonderful healthcare workers, nurses and first responders. Thank you.