3D Printed Customizable Box
3D printing is a fascinating technology and it’s changing the way things are manufactured through out many industries including the promotional products industry. 3D printing can be used to make novelty products such as promotional toys and custom promo gifts. It is also being used to make clothing, shoes, machine parts, containers, and even creative 3D printed food items. The medical industry has many uses for it as well.
3D printing is also known as additive manufacturing, meaning that the items it creates are made in a form of layers. This allows for intricate designs to be made quickly and cost effectively. It is much faster than molding or sculpting. The blueprints for the pieces to be printed are made digitally. The most common 3D printers use a spool of plastic that looks like string. The plastic is melted through the machine then deposited on to a plate where it begins to take shape layer by layer and eventually building a 3 dimensional object. Check out how Mashable.com explains 3D printing in the video below.
What 3D Printing Will Do For the Promotional Products Industry
Time: With 3D printing technology you will be able to have your custom printed promotional item in a flash. This new technology will cut time in more ways than one. There is less time in actually manufacturing the items and a faster turnaround from the manufacturer to your door.
Customized: In the advertising specialties industry it is all about customization. Imagine the types of promo gift ideas we’ll come up with using a 3D printer. Normally when you want a custom pieces they are manufactured overseas and require you to order a large quantity. With 3D printing the promotional products industry will have the ability to make custom pieces locally and at lower quantities.
Inventory: 3D printing will create a “made to order” system. Manufacturers will not have to stock items that can be 3D printed and there will never be any inventory issues.
3D Printed Custom Bottle Opener
There is still some time before 3D printers will be on our desktops but as the technology advances it will change the promotional products industry for good.
Have you ever heard of or seen a 3D printer? What other uses can you think of for 3D printers? What other ways do you think the 3D printer will change the promotional products industry?
I’ve not heard of this until now (unless you count the printer that was used on The Big Bang Theory to print action figures of the characters), but I think it’s pretty fascinating that doctors have 3-D-printed organs! Wow!
It seems as though there is no limit to what technology can do nowadays. Pretty impressive stuff!
Oh, and the shoes look kind of neat, too. Amazing, really.
Lorraine Reguly recently posted…Self-Publishing is A LOT of WORK! (and I need a hug!)
Lorraine- When bling was used on apparel everything thought it would not sell, well guess what it does. 3-D printing is now the next generation of technology.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
I love how you think Arleen. I have read about the 3D printers on quite a few occasions and marvelled at what they created, but I never took my thinking to the next level and thought, how can I use this to promote X? It is a very obvious use and I imagine we’ll start to see some fantastic promotional products come from this. The creative opportunity it represents means that you can create just about anything. Consider beautiful contemporary sculptures based on an organizational theme or more practical products, like the can opener using corporate colours… really it’s about the limits of our imagination.
Debra Yearwood recently posted…Synchronicity, both beautiful and challenging
Debra- Isn’t technology fascinating? To think we thought it was neat to iron on a logo on a tee shirt. Now 3 D prints allows for all types of creative ideas. I can’t wait to see where this takes us in my business with selling promotional products and how much fun it will be for the recipients.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
I’ve been reading about this and find it absolutely fascinating! I think it is going to change all of retail, promotional, creative and other industries as we know it when they get it refined. And at the rate that technology has progressed this century, I think it will be at warp speed! So exciting!
Jacqueline Gum (Jacquie) recently posted…DIY…Where’s The Justice?
Jacqui- I find it mind boggling has technology is progressing. Yes it will have a change on all industries.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
It’s astonishing how fast technology moves these days when only it seems a few years ago we were relying on faxes to get promotion through… oops now I’m showing my age! 😉
Claire Cappetta recently posted…Interview with Richard Bartlett, Author of 2015 An Astronomical Year: A Quick Reference Guide to 365 Nights of Astronomy
Claire- Faxing is becoming obsolete as well. More people scan and email or have a fax account that they can access from the their computer. Yes technology is certainly changing the way we do things today.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
Absolutely, 3d-printing will definitely change the promotional products industry. Have watched my nerd friends at campus use 3d printing. The printers definitely need to be a bit more refined and also more affordable before such printers will compete with the promotional products industry. But when they are, at least some promotional products will be produced in-house.
Catarina recently posted…Do you have a language strategy ?
Catarina- Just when you think something is modern and up to date, something else comes out to take its place. A very large amount of printing is done in house today, but if this takes off I agree with more will be done in house.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
That is truly amazing. I have heard of 3D printing before but never really understood what it could do. It seems like the possibilities are endless and apart from the body part replication I loved the idea of being able to build a house in a day for $5000.
Tim recently posted…Dharamsala and Chonor House
Tim- I think it will be a very long time before we start building houses in a day. It would put a lot of construction workers out of jobs.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
This is great Arleen. I have a friend who does a lot of print work in her spare time. I think she will benefit from this. She does great work and I think this will get her more business.
Niekka McDonald recently posted…My Summer Favorites
Niekka- I would venture to say that the 3D printer is very expensive and it will probably be years before it hits the market where everyone can afford it, but you never know
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
I’ve heard of and actually have used a form of 3D printing with my sendoutcards account. It is astounding what this does to plain old greeting cards! A particular thing this brought to my mind is I’m wondering if this is also what they might be using for some of the little products they allow us to include in the card. I’ll have to check on this.
Fascinating times Arleen.
Patricia Weber recently posted…Top BS Facts about Introvert Experiences You Might Think Are True
Patricia- As time goes on the 3D printer will become more popular and I think you will probably be able to create whatever you want. It is fascinating times. I just wished I had invented something like this.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
I have heard of 3-D printing, but haven’t seen it in action. I admit that it seems so futuristic to me I find it difficult to imagine what to use it for, but suspect it won’t be that many years before it seems commonplace.
Donna Janke recently posted…Feast on Foot in Historic Winnipeg
Donna- I can’t believe how many things I thought 20 years ago was futuristic and they are here today. Being able to see someone you are talking to on your cell phone. Who knows where this technogology will take us.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
I’ve been wanting to see one in action and have speculated about their various uses. Thanks for giving some great examples. It will be fun to watch!
Beth Niebuhr recently posted…Confidence and How to Get It
Beth- I think there will be endless possibilities. I think it will change my promotional product business.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
Arleen, I think this is amazing and it would be really neat to see one of these printers in action. However, having said that, I’m glad you said in one of the comments that it will be some time before they are on our desks. That’s good, because there have been so many ‘amazing’ advances over the last while that I’m really running to try and catch up. Interesting article, nonetheless.
Lenie recently posted…Sharing Rhubarb Know-How and…..a Great Jam Recipe
Lenie- It will be sometime before any of us can afford to have one at home. It took a long time before the color printer was available at prices we could afford and some of them are still very expensive.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
Arleen, I am so glad you posted this! I have heard of 3D printers and could NOT for the life of me understand how they would work. So I enthusiastically watched the video you included and A-HA! It makes perfect sense now but I hadn’t been able to fathom the realities of it. I hadn’t given the possibilities much thought so I’m not sure how to answer that, but I will absolutely concur that it will change the promotional item industry and soon. And how exciting! As this technology is embraced, more ideas will be imagined and prices will start to come down too. Maybe by then I’ll think of something I want to print to promote my blog! 😉
Pamela- Think companies will have fun with their logos creating them on the 3D printer. I am sure it is a matter of time before it is available for the promotional product business.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
Never seen or heard of 3-D printing before. It’s fascinating and hopefully one of those cutting edge technologies that will come down in price and be affordable for the home-based business owner one day! Brilliant, indeed.
Laurie Hurley recently posted…3 Mindset Blunders That May Be Holding You Back From Success
Laurie- As anything that is new the you have to pay the price until it catches on. When it does I think the 3D printer will appeal to a large number of people and industries.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
Hi Arleen,
This is very interesting. I was considering purchasing a 3D camera once, but that never did become popular. The pictures would produce 3D postcards. I think 3D printing will have an even greater role to play in the medical community before long.
Have a great week!
William Butler recently posted…How To Get Rid Of Laziness Once and For All
Bill- I remember when 3D cameras were popular. I think the 3 D printer will have more of a universal appeal.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
3D printing is an amazing discovery. It has more possibilities in the medical field. I am pretty sure, in the near future, the printer is going to be cheaply available. Remembering one episode of Grey’s anatomy, the 3D printed heart valve( if I am remembering it correctly) was saving the life of a baby.
Bindu recently posted…Queen : Mixed media art
Bindu- Well I guess the 3 D printer is nothing new but hopefully it will be affordable to us all.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
It blows my mind to think of how its even possible to do something like this.
Tanya recently posted…The Importance of Branding In Hiring
Tanya- There is always something new on the horizon, keeping us on our toes.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
I think 3D printers are an amazing piece of technology I hadn’t thought about using them to create promotional products. I’m very interested to see what kind of turn this technology takes in the future.
Jess- It will be interesting how it will effect the promotional products industry. It will add a new dimension.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
This is very interesting territory. 3D printers are changing production methods already and are going to help so many people. I first heard about them on NPR Science Friday and how they are helping astronauts who are making repairs to parts that can’t be replaced. 3D printers will be able to print out the parts so time and money can be saved by avoiding certain rescue missions in the future.
The sky is the limit with these things. Truly exciting! Thanks for sharing.
Carl recently posted…My Angle – the Non-Traveling Traveler
Carl- There are so many uses for 3 D printing and I think we have only scratched the service. I like the way you said the sky is the limit which does apply to helping astronauts.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
Hey Arleen I have heard about 3D printing earlier in the year on a tech program I listen to weekly. I just did not get a grip of how exactly it works and this post has shed more light. I wonder what the extent of this 3D printing will be. For food I am already quite baffled at the idea.
Welli recently posted…Managing string pullers
Welli- I am glad the post shed some light on this new technology. I hope not for food and a little nervous about organs but I think it will be a long time before all aspects of 3 D printing is used. I would just like to start out with the promotional product industry. That works for me.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
I have read a lot about these 3D printers and seen some videos including the one you shared. I can understand it being used for making toys and promotional gifts but still find it difficult to understand some of the things it can produce. As long as it’s not food – I won’t get too stressed.
Mina- that is a scary thought that that 3 D printing could be food. I don’t think that will fly.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
I can picture a trade show with a 3D printer at every vendor booth spitting out promotional stuff on demand.
Ken Dowell recently posted…Digital Deception: Do Your Viewers Have a Heartbeat?
Ken- Right now at the promotional products trade show there is a company that will put your logo on a pen right on the spot. Guess what you really remember them.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
I’ve heard of using a form of 3D printing for various products. It turns something like a plain greeting cards into something pretty special and memorable. I plan on sending your thoughts to a friend who could use something like this in their business. 🙂
Susan Cooper recently posted…I Am Grateful: #Story
Susan- I can’t wait until the 3D printer is more affordable. The time will come when we will be looking for the next new exciting piece of technology. Boy I can’t believe at my age how much has happened since I was a child.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
Wow this is amazing! body parts! Organs! Houses!! I had not heard of 3D printing but I’m really curious about it now and can’t wait to experience it. I agree that it will revolutionize marketing when you can create customized gifts, promotional materials, anything really without breaking the piggy bank. This is really promising!
Valerie Remy-Milora recently posted…Back-To-School iPad Mini Giveaway
Valerie- Who knows what they will come up with next. There is always something the changes the way we do things. I can’t wait for 32D to be able to us all. I think it will be a lot of fun.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
I have heard of 3-D printing. I’m not really sure how I feel about it. Only time will tell.
Jason B recently posted…My Go Fund Me Experiment
Jason- Like anything that is new, it takes time to get used to the idea.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
The applications seem endless that’s for sure. Not too long ago I watched some sort of program where a girl would get a decent prosthetic limb made on a 3D printer that costs a lot less than one made traditionally. Of course her insurance wouldn’t cover it for some reason. Maybe 3D printing will do for small business what print on demand has done for publishing.
Jeri recently posted…#Editor: Proofreading Sample
Jeri- I am sorry to hear that the insurance would not cover the prosthetic limb, but as it becomes more popular hopefully they will. If the 3D printing can keep the cost down it will become popular for printing. I spoke with a supplier yesterday and he said that he is already getting requests for 3D printing.
Arleen recently posted…How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry
Hi Arleen,
No, I have never heard of the 3-D Printing until now!! What amazed me is the body parts and organs that can be created with the 3D Priniting!! It’s amazing what technology can do!! It’ll be fun to watch!!!
Thanks Arleen for sharing!! Have a great rest of the week.
Be Blessed,
Neamat Tawadrous recently posted…4 Advantages To The Importance Of Teamwork in Business!
Neamat. It will be great when 3d printing helps more people in the health industry
Arleen recently posted…More Time Spent on Cell Phones Equals More Mobile Advertising
Hi arleen; it seems to me that 3d printing is kind of like how you spin sugar into cotton candy? 🙂 and it also seems to me that in the future it wil become more about th intellectual property meaning the product design and digital instructions to produce it. I’m thinking that you may want to start trade marking all your computer files along with drawings schematics etc. maybe not needed yet but something to think about. thanks for sharing your view of the future, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…Life Lessons From A Blind Blogger
Max- I have no idea where this is all going but I think the possibilities will be endless. Who would have thought you could Facetime someone and see the person on the other end.
Arleen recently posted…More Time Spent on Cell Phones Equals More Mobile Advertising
When I think of 3D printing, I immediately think of the 3D printed prosthetic hand that was built for the little boy that was born with no fingers on his right hand. I had not thought of it being applied in the promotional products industry. That’s a great application. I’m glad I picked today to drop by your blog again. You always have a way of finding something current and applying it to your specialty.
Sherryl Perry recently posted…Big Companies Use Neuromarketing to Influence Buyers. Can You?
Sherryl- Thank you for stopping by. I would say we have come a long way since we started our new blog a year ago. 3D printing will change the promotional products industry for sure. The printer for the consumer will have to come down alot in price, but it is the wave of the future.
Arleen recently posted…How to Make a Big Impression with a Small Promotion: Oreo Mini Delivery
3D printing certainly opens up many doors especially when talking about promotional products for small businesses. you now no longer have to go to a large company and order overpriced products without the certainty of what you were going to get. nowadays, you can design what you want in house and just have it printed the way you want it for a lot less cost than it used to be.
Eric- When 3D printing gets more cost effective to own it will open the doors for the small business owners.
Arleen recently posted…5 Ways to Spring into Renewal
LOVED this article. You’re so right–3D printing will allow a whole new world of customization for promotional products. This will help companies, and sports teams, be able to provide the exact products that their publics are looking for.
Richard- The world of graphics is changing and I think 3D printing is going to make a difference in customization.
Arleen recently posted…A Sweet Idea with Promotional Chocolate
3D printer technology is fascinating and can customize any objects, such as prostheses, spare parts that was previously hard to find value with cheaper cost, short customizing goes with the taste of each is incredible evolution of this technology.
Actually, I’m totally new to additive manufacturing. yeah, it’s really a mind blowing technology and it is revolutionizing the way of printing. Thanks for including the video in this post. Got to know lot many things.
Travis Birtt recently posted…3-D Printing Technology
You’re right about a faster turn around time. An additive manufacturing process like 3d printing is much faster than sculpting or molding, as you shared.
Your comments about inventory issues make a lot of sense. When people can produce the product on the spot, there is no need to say it is unavailable, as you indicate.