Covid is not just killing people by researchers are seeing more people have been turning to alcohol to cope. Light to moderate alcohol consumption is considered acceptable for healthy adults. The increased alcohol consumption may stem from our stress due to lack or work and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. However there is no need to shame one for drinking a glass of wine. We wanted to make our blog so we can laugh a little more…..

Red wine, in moderation, has long been thought of as heart healthy. The alcohol and certain substances in red wine called antioxidants may help prevent coronary artery disease, the condition that leads to heart attacks.
Any links between red wine and fewer heart attacks aren’t completely understood.
But part of the benefit might be that antioxidants in red wine may increase levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol) and protect against cholesterol buildup.
Doctors don’t recommend that you start drinking alcohol for heart benefits, especially if you have a family history of alcohol addiction. Too much alcohol can have many harmful effects on your body.
Quoted from the Mayoclinic.org

Garrett Specialties offers a nice selection of wine glasses. Don’t be concerned what you hear for which wine goes in which shape wineglass. If you hand out a wine glass and brand it with your logo, your recipients will be pleased and not worry did you send the proper wine glass. If you enjoy both reds and whites, a good rule of thumb is to have two sets of glasses. So hand out two different glasses. Select smaller wine glasses for white wine and larger glasses for red wine. Generally, more full-bodied wines work best in large glasses so that there’s room for the wine to breathe and develop its flavors So are you going to worry which wine glass to hand to promote your business or brand? If you are concerned fill the wine glass with candy, tie a bow and worries gone….