Did you see when David Ferman did his juggling and balancing of a burning molotov cocktail act on America’s Got Talent? Amazing. He’s a smart kid. He realized that in order to impress the judges and the audience that he needed to do something extraordinary. With a little creativity and organization we are all capable of being more productive, successful and profitable. Like Ferman, we have to be consistent, apply practice as well as step out of our comfort zone.
Here is the clip of David Ferman in action. This is how I feel when I’m trying to “juggle” my company. As a business owner there is a lot of pressure to get things done all while, managing, taking risks and captivating an audience.
While I like to watch TV, I don’t normally have much time to watch TV and I don’t have time to watch TV because I’m too busy juggling multitude of tasks for my business and daily life. So I sat down to write this post and come up with ways to maximize productivity for business. Some of these ideas can also be applied to our daily lives.
Business Productivity is an organization’s ability to use all recourses available to them in an effort to produce an environment where goods or services needed by customers and clients can be profitable. Are there things that could be changed within our businesses would make them more productive? There is often a lot of wasted time, redundancy and lack of focus in business. Ever put off a project that you knew would benefit your business because you “didn’t have the time”? Yet we find time for everything else that needs to be done and more.
6 Ways to Organize and Maximize Business Productivity
Manage Your Time
To maximize your productivity you must first become organized. By becoming organized you can focus your time on important tasks. Start with a time journal. Within a week, it will become clear where time is being wasted.
Do What You Are Good At
Look for passion. If you are repeatedly given a task that you don’t like to do it will most likely take you twice as long to complete it. Delegate and outsource tasks that can be done by others and focus on the work that you are passionate about. This concept applies to your employees as well. A quarterly evaluation of each employee will help you decide who is right for what job.
Work With Your Customers
Remember the Pareto Principle better known as the 80-20 rule? This principal simply states that 80 percent of your results come from 20 percent of your resources. How does this translate in terms of business? Well 80 percent of your profits come from 20 percent of your customers. In addition, 80 percent of your sales come from 20 percent of your products.
So ask yourself, who have you done the most business with recently? Make a list with 30 of your best customers then narrow that down to 5-10 customers that you do repeat business with. Do you think they would be willing to refer you to others and are they people that you think you would like to work with? Discuss with them whether or not they would be willing to refer you to others and if not, what can you do different so that they would. Did you know that most referrals come from those who receive promotional products from a company. That’s because promo gifts are great reminders and keep the company’s name in mind.
Make those customers feel important. Sometimes it is the little things we do for people that seem so big and are appreciated the most. For example:
- Host a special event just for the 5-10 customers on your list to show that you appreciate their business.
- Incorporate giveaways into your event or marketing plan. Find items clients can use in their everyday lives such as a pen with your logo.
- Send cards or emails thanking them for being a customer.
Acknowledge Your Vendors/Employees
People like to be acknowledged, they like to feel appreciated. When was the last time your let your vendors know you appreciated them and understood that without their products you would not be in business? A little acknowledgement can go a long way.
I make a habit of thanking the people I work with and letting them know that no matter what position they hold, their job is important. A couple of times a year I give custom gifts to vendors and repeat customers. I always get positive feedback. They like the idea of me thinking about them and see it as a reward for their business.
Although this may not yield immediate results, it is a productive way of using your time because keeps your business relevant. I have seen my logo in other stores and offices because of the promotional item that I had given out. The exposure is inexpensive and unlimited.
What’s not working?
At least once a year you have to take an honest look at how your fiscal year was and if it was not what you expected ask yourself “What is hindering me from reaching my maximum potential in business?” Make a list, literally write it down.
Knowing is always half of the battle. Once you know what needs to be changed reach out to another business owner or mentor. By discussing your concerns with someone you trust and admire you become susceptible to learning something new.
An Ideal Day
Whether on your computer or hand written, keep track of your ideal days. Remembering what made your business day successful will give you a greater chance of recreating that success. Having a resource of successful days can only be beneficial. Be specific in your writing. Take notes that day as if you were in class listening to a lecture. No detail is too small, even down to what you were wearing.
Do you find yourself performing a balancing act? How do you manage to juggle your business productively? How can these practices translate into your daily life too?
(Screenshot via America’s Got Talent YouTube)
A great blog. The 80/20 rule definitely applies to business. If small business owners would focus on the 20% paying the bills and getting more of the 20% to the business, their success would dramatically increase.
Judy HAAR recently posted…An eBook on Color and Brand
I agree. It is important to focus on previous customers as they are golden. Yes new business is important but the repeat is a known factor
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
My business tends to be my daily life. Some of the difficulties I find in it is seperating family stuff from work. My worst offense is my wife always asks me if a day will come that we don’t plan a vacation around a beer fest or brewery tours.
I am sure the day will come when you don’t plan a vacation around the beer business. Sometimes we have to give up something for our future
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Wow, that man in video is really talented!!!
Mike recently posted…The Tao of Badass Review: Tao System TRUTH FINALLY EXPOSED!!!
I think you could say. Most of us could never or want to juggle like him
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
I like the tip you gave, work with your customers. That gives you a focus that can lead to faster results.
Balance? I don’t think balance is too attainable these days so I strive for focus. And when I do, boy do I feel productive at the end of the day.
Thanks for the valuable insights.
Patricia Weber recently posted…Confident Communications for the Introvert Presentation
I like your idea of focus. Focus will lead to balance. Without your customers you don’t have a business so we all need to focus on what is important to create a good balance
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
I don’t have much time for TV either. Between updating the blog, the behind-the-scenes tech work that goes into a blog, balancing my social media marketing, and answering emails from fans and sponsors combined with managing a busy family with four kids, I barely have any time for myself. It can be quite overwhelming. I love your tip for journaling your ideal days. That will definitely help me keep in mind what works!
Alicia Taylor recently posted…Free b.liv Skin Care Sample Kit
I glad you liked the tip for journaling your ideal days. I am finding as I am getting older I have very little time to much of anything outside of my business. With that said it is also unhealthy to devote everything to a business. Four kids will really keep you juggling.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Hi Arleen,
Thank you for sharing the video. It was very entertaining.
Aside from it being entertaining the real message of the video is juggling and balancing.
This applies to our every day life where we find ourselves consantly juggling and balancing the things in our life to make it work.
Like David shared with the panel in his video. He’s been juggling since he was 8. He didn’t become an expert juggler overnight.
What you mentioned, what isn’t working. David did the same thing and he tested and practiced till he got it right. I’m sure there were many, many days where he tried to do some type of trick and it was not “working” for him.
This same princple can be applied to business. Say you have something that you are doing and it’s not exactly making sales. Come up with another idea, tweak it, then test. See what the outcome is.
Thanks for sharing the video, it was a great message to start my day. 🙂
Hi Nate,
Thank you as always for stopping by. Yes even though it is entertaining, there is a good message of juggling and balancing. I agree with you that you can’t start a business and expect miracles, but keep thinking of ways to improve, you may have to juggle different ideas around but in the end you will find a good balance to make your business grow.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
A time journal literally kept me sane after a horrible first year of teaching English with 80-90 hour work weeks. I started writing down my number of hours spent on teaching tasks at school and at home. It took diligence to not get distracted at home and tend to other matters during my “teacher” time, but logging my hours did the trick. I still worked long hours, but managed to find a balance that allowed me to function a bit more happily. Now that I’m not in the classroom, I’m still tracking my hours that way. It helps me realize when I’m going overboard on one task as far as hours.
Jeri that is great that you are able to find a balance. I keep a journal, but the trick is to evaluate you and see where you need to tweak it and make it more balanced. I am still in the learning stages and who knows at my age it may never happen, but it is important to juggle everything with a balance
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
And then throw in balancing life into the mix….
Grace recently posted…Preventing the Leading Causes of Death in the US
Pretty amazing
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Sometimes I feel exactly like this young man. I feel like struggling all the daily needs and business needs are so pressing they are on fire. I completely agree with working with your customers and really understanding their needs and managing your time is vital. I enlist the help of my VA to help keep me on track and give me more time when needed.
Susan Cooper recently posted…Spaghetti Saga: Story (Podcast)
Hi Susan,
I think we all feel like we are juggling from time to time. It is a great idea to have help and to realize you can’t do everything.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
I don’t watch telly at all but was glued to that. What came over was his passion and determination to succeed. I can relate to that in theatre more than anything else – finding that intense drive fueled entirely by the passion to create. And the pure enjoyment that camr across – that (if you have it in your work) is worth so much.
I guess if we have the passion we can do just about anything. I think it is interesting you noticed how he really enjoyed what he was doing which also translate into being successful
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Fantastic tips on how to manage the extreme juggling act that comes with being a business owner. The passion, in my book, is an important one! I also believe a combination of determination and self care are vital…thanks for being you!
Laugh Lots, Love More!
MamaRed recently posted…Business strategy: How to pick what to work on first
I have to say what I am enjoying about you is your passion for life. We all have tasks to do it is how we manage them that work. Thanks for stopping by
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
I’m glad it shows through Arleen. And yup, there are many tasks that we may not like and when they’re offset by doing things we love and know make a difference? Well that just makes all the difference in the world!
Have a great one and we can put that perfectionist out to play on a beach in Santorini for a while, eh?
love and light, hugs and blessings
MamaRed recently posted…Business strategy: How to pick what to work on first
All great tips Arleen. one thing I do is look to where I can simplify things in business and life. In business I see if I can simplify tasks or activities. It has helped reduce stress and focus on what actually matters. Also it saves quite a bit of time and money.
Susan Oakes recently posted…Should You Discount Price To Get Customers?
It is so important to focus on what is important and realize that we can’t do it where we are productivity with anything.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Hi Arleen,
First I want to thank you for the entertaining video! As business owners we are like jugglers. Not that it is a negative thing, but instead it takes practice and persistence in order to do all our daily tasks.
Once we understand that, we can “juggle” as good as David as an ideal day.
To organize your productivity number one is so important: Time management! That may take some practice, but we need to plan our day and stick to it.
I appreciate all your suggestions and the best one I find is ” Delegate and outsource tasks that can be done by others and focus on the work that you are passionate about.”
Thank you for another great post,
Donna Merrill recently posted…Marketing Lesson From Get Response
If we stay organize and prioritize we have a better chance of dealing with the day to day tasks. Realize we can’t do it all and there is nothing wrong in delegating tasks to others.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Arleen — I enjoyed the young man and his juggling act. With the advent of social media I find that I’m juggling all the time to keep up with my social networks and blogging (which I do for a living). One thing I’m doing is cutting down on my email subscriptions so that I can get control of my inbox which is always overflowing.
Jeannette Paladino recently posted…Twitter Still #1 Social Network for Fortune 500 Companies, Study Says
Hi Jeannette,
I agree that the emails can get overwhelming, you almost need to hire someone to answer them and stay on top of your business. Some days I will mine will explode. There has to be a balance so we have a life as well.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Hi Arleen
I love the video and yes juggling is a good illustration of what we do in business and in life in general.
I especially like your number 5. Too many people try to do things that are not their strengths and that is just struggle.
A great message thanks
Sue Price recently posted…How’s Your Work Ethic?
Good business owners work to their strengths and delegate their weakness.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
I was a self-employed artist for more than a decade, and I resonate to everything that’s being said here. It was really hard, and it felt compelling. I moved on from that and have been working for the state of Oregon now since early 2008. I love working in state government because it’s mission-driven without being frenetic or frightening, I’ve got a great team of people all around me, and I’m financially stable, including with health benefits. All those things mean a lot to me (and represent changes from when I was self-employed).
Speaking of change, I think that climate change is going to make entrepreneurs more relevant than ever. Government is not good at being responsive to change, nimble or quick on its feet, while entrepreneurs excel at those things. On the other hand, government is good at addressing society’s big picture and long term concerns, which self-employed people do not necessarily do. I’d love to see entrepreneurs blog now and then about climate change, and how their talents and abilities will be relevant in dealing with it and adapting to it. I wonder if you’d consider that at some point? And thank you, Arleen, for visiting and commenting at Diamond-Cut Life.
Alison at Diamond-Cut Life recently posted…Top Ten Tips For Hosting People
We are doing a juggling act in daily life just to keep with living. We all make choices that are best for us. Looks like you did just that.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Hi Arleen – scary video – not sure I’d have wanted to be on the front row!
As Barbara says, I think what comes across most powerfully is the young man’s absolute passion and joy in what he does. It’s so much easier to commit to things when it’s the love of your life – time management then becomes less of an issue. When you really enjoy what you’re doing, time flies!
Having said that, there are always going to be those crucial tasks that it’s tempting to leave to one side, and I think disciplining yourself to schedule those in is the answer. When you’re working online, distractions are the big danger – it’s only too easy to waste lots of time on relatively unimportant stuff, so you need to be on your guard in that respect.
I like your suggestion about keeping track of ideal days – I think it’s also helpful to track your less than perfect days, to spot where you’re going wrong – I do that in my daily diary, and find it’s very helpful.
Susan Neal recently posted…Why I Love
We all tend to work towards what we have a passion for and the rest we hope will follow and many times falls between the cracks. It is important to monitor how you are working so you can improve your business. I am glad you are back
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Great post. I love that you reward and appreciate your customers…you can never go wrong with gratitude. I sent out cards to followers of my blog when I reached my first year anniversary. People do love to be appreciated…
DC recently posted…Dear Universe…
Gratitude gratitude goes a long way. People like to feel they are important. Good idea with follow up
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Thanks for posting this refreshing article pointing out ways we can juggle in our business to increase productivity. New ideas in this matter are always good to review. I especially liked the questions you proposed that we should ask ourselves: What’s not working? and the one that showed us where to find referrals.
I think it is always good to see things in a different perspective. Sometimes it is the worth the time to figure what is not working. We might be more productive
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Hi Arleen,
The video of David performing his act is entertaining indeed 🙂 I think passion can do amazing things but yet people underestimate it at some points. We find passion through David’s performance but it’s not merely about end result but working hard and smart to be that amazing performer. Isn’t it Arleen? 🙂 A long process.
As a freelancer I do love what I do and I don’t mind devoting my whole time for it 🙂 You know, finding that hidden gem you would never wanna take your eyes out is the best thing in my opinion.
I know in different businesses, time management is not easy as we speak Arleen 🙂 For me, if I don’t like experimenting with design and development in my time, I won’t learn something new just by reading book or two. I call it investing time and it pays out 🙂
You are very right about customers 🙂 My existing ones keep coming back and word of mouth can go a long way too. It did for me online and even offline. I don’t have 20 or 30 customers, and profits are coming from handful of customers too. But not just handful of money 😀 lol…
You have a wonderful day there Arleen! 🙂
Mayura recently posted…Resolve Blogger Compatibility Issues with Microsoft Internet Explorer
Repeat customers are golden and should never be overlooked. Never give up. You will look back on your journey and say I can remember when I only had a handful of customers but today I have more than I can handle. As they say Rome wasn’t build in a day. Good up the good work.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Great post and thoughts! For me I always forget that even in blogging it is a business and managing my time is something I am still working on! Thanks for these great tips!
Heather recently posted…5 Tips to Keep Your Child from Falling Behind over the Summer (Guest Posting)
Time is so valuable, I’m always trying to find ways to make the most of it. Thank you for stopping by.
Arleen/Susan recently posted…Alternative Fundraising Ideas Inspired by Buffet
Great article. I sometimes feel I’m trying to balance a molotov cocktail with my time management. You’ve given great tips to reduce the danger to safer juggling, which I prefer. lol
Retha Groenewald recently posted…God Speaks Study Bible Review
Isn’t great that the Molotov cocktail doesn’t explode. I am glad our tips were useful.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
As a lawyer, I found it really difficult to balance my work life and home life. My practice was very reactive– i.e. if a judge scheduled a hearing, I had to be there, if a client had an emergency, it was an emergency (although clients sometimes didn’t understand that their immediate problem was not an emergency, but it took some of my time to explain that to them). One problem was that I was a terrible delegator. Even if I assigned something to a staff member, they got to know that I was going to carefully proof read it myself, so I think that made them less likely to carefully proof read for themselves. It’s kind of moot now. I semi-retired and only write briefs for my firm which has the benefits of being a job where I don’t depend on anyone else and of being location independent (thanks to the internet). So, now I can also be a travel blogger!
Suzanne Fluhr (Just One Boomer) recently posted…Seriously Smitten by Sunsets in Brigantine, New Jersey (A Photo Essay Mostly)
Suzanne I think we both suffer from no one can do it as good as we can. I find it very hard to delegate and if I do I am checking to see if it done right so I figure I just might as well do it myself. It must be a lot easier being a travel blogger than an attorney.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Thank you for this! I SO needed it! I’m not sure if I’m balancing things correctly or not…I’m a work in progress!
Kristen from The Road to Domestication
Kristen recently posted…My Discouraging Dining Dilemma
We are ALL a work in progress. I remind myself that I’m not the only one struggling with a huge to do list and it helps to keep me going. Thank you for your comment.
Arleen/Susan recently posted…Alternative Fundraising Ideas Inspired by Buffet
First off wow Arleen, that kid was something else and I was nervous just watching him. But I love how you compare that to the juggling act we do with our businesses too and some of it can be dangerous if we don’t manage it properly.
I could definitely tell he was passionate about what he did and where he wants to be in his life and with his art. I would hope that most people would be. I just read a post that quoted Warren Buffet saying that you need to be passionate about what you do so that it’s never really considered work. I so agree to that and I consider blogging that way for me. I love blogging and sharing helpful information so it’s really enjoyable.
I do have to manage my time though because I get so busy I need to make sure I cover everything that needs to be done. Sometimes that’s just hard to do.
Thanks for this post, fun, scary yet exciting all wrapped up into one. Love it!
Adrienne recently posted…60 Tips Of Blogging Advice
Many of our decisions can be dangerous, but sometimes you need to take the risk. I can see that blogging is your passion. It comes out with not only what you wrote about but your responses to those that had left a comment on your site. Managing is the key. Thank you for your input as always
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Excellent blog Arleen. I particularly like that although you suggest taking the time to reflect on the positive and negative, the time spent considering the positive is much greater and throughout the year. It’s so easy to get preoccupied with the down times and not appreciate the successes. It’s also great to have that appreciation extend to clients.
Debra Yearwood recently posted…Saturday Morning Chit Chat – Bad Ideas
If we focused on the positive we would continue to succeed as the negative is toxic anyway. If we took a step back and look where we have come to where we are today we would amaze ourselves. I try to tell my employees to appreciate our clients because at the end of the day they are the ones who are paying our bills.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
I have also started listing things I need to do in a day. As my days are becoming increasingly complex. Normally I manage everything in my head, but it’s no Apple Mac I can tell you. Reviewing my successes is maybe the next step. See what I can achieve and what is best done by someone else :>
Ash / Madlemmings recently posted…Image SEO Optimization – Improve your search rankings
I love you what you said your head is no Apple Mac. I list things but I have to remember to look at the list. Delegating to someone else is hard if you I what I have that no one can do it as good as I can. But the bottomline is that they can.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Good suggestions Arleen. We are all juggling when it comes to social media. You have to find ways that work for you and are simple. If you don’t you will spend an enorous amount of time on social media without getting results. For me Pinterest is for instance a waste of time while Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter pay off. Use Google + as well because it gives you plus points with Google.
Catarina recently posted…Would you, like George Clooney, trade places with Richard Branson?
Catarina I hear you. The time spent on social media is overwhelming. My main focus is our website but I do know the importance of keeping up with social media so it does become a juggling act.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Entertaining video (captivating, great music…) and excellent blog post to boot.
I concur with finding your passion. Once you stick to doing what you’re good at (and truly love) you’ll be most successful.
P.S. I can juggle … But nothing quite like that!

Designer Rob Russo recently posted…Top Design Secrets Shared Daily
I can juggle work to a degree but I know I can’t do like Fehman. With that said we all have our passions
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Hi Arleen,
I loved the video and the lesson in it. I like the analogy to juggling and that’s exactly what we do with our business to balance productivity.
All your 6 suggestions are valid and spot on. Working out your priorities and deciding what really matters is the most important thing. Sometimes simple changes are all that is required.
We need to have balance in all areas of your life. We all have a finite amount of time, energy, and resources. We have to find ways that work for us and are simple.
Thanks for a great post Arleen and very entertaining video. Enjoy your weekend.
Be Blessed,
Hi Neamat,
We have to set priorities with everything in life. When we don’t the juggle act is hard to stay in balance. I am glad you enjoyed the video, it was quite amazing.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Lots of great ideas. I love the time journal. That’s something anyone, especially moms who are constantly multitasking, whether they work or not, can use every day. I’m also a firm believer in the idea that you can never say thank you too often. That applies again, in and out of work, and is a wonderful tool in the volunteer world. Looking forward to your next post filled with more wisdom!
Valerie Remy Milora recently posted…Chicken and Fig Salad
Isn’t it funny that too words we sometimes forget is thank you and please. I agree you can never appreciate someone too much and it does make for great relationships.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
I have never watched the show, but he was worth watching! Not only was it very entertaining but I really enjoyed how you related it to business. Thinking outside the square, very clever 🙂
Becc recently posted…I took the Plunge – Part 2
I don’t watch much TV but when they act came on I thought it had so many messages on so many levels. From Fehman’s childhood to the actual stunt. Nothing wrong thinking outside of the box.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Lots of great points on this post. Even more valuable are the wonderful responses you are getting in the comments. Like gold, some of the commentary! For example, I enjoyed the interaction between you and Suzanne on how it is difficult to delegate.
I feel like my business is constantly a work in progress. I love my current clients, but I crave more interaction with people doing similar work. Local networking is not my favorite task, but I do it all the same. Life is a juggle of what you like and what you don’t – if there’s too much of “don’t,” the balance needs shifting.
Leora recently posted…Build a Blog with WordPress
What is valuable about the comments is to see other people’s perspective. I love to read the comments. Business as well as anything we do in live in a work in process. The juggling act is to figure out the balance that will work for you and try to manage your business better.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
So glad I met you through LinkedIn and that you introduced me to this blog. Managing your time and doing what you are good at are great tips for increasing productivity. A great example that I read about was Mich Jagger. He gets up on stage and sings and makes millions of dollars. He doesn’t plan the tour, or the stage show, or the marketing or hiring and firing of employees. He just does what he does best — sing!
So if you don’t like cleaning your house, hire someone or barter your services (the stuff you enjoy doing) with someone who likes to clean!
~ Jupiter Jim
Jupiter Jim recently posted…Don’t Get Hacked! WordPress Security Infographic
Jim it is nice to have a new visitor. Doing what you know best and delegating works as you said in your example. For years I refused to hire someone to clean my house. I am getting to the age where carrying a vacuum up and down the stairs is too much. Finally broke down and it is the best thing I have ever done. The gal I hired likes to clean, not sure why and it is her job and boy does it free my up. I wished I did it years ago, but as they say, better late than never.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
I have been watching this program for the first time and was amazed at how talented some of them are. This guy was really awesome!
I too have to juggle a lot between the blog and my family life. My husband really isn’t that crazy about my blogging although he does like the perks of trying out new foods. But he doesn’t like the time spent writing up a post. So, I do it at night when he has gone to bed.
Stopped by from LinkedIn where you had left me a message.
Mary Bearden recently posted…Samsung Silver Chromebook Giveaway **Closed**
It is hard to juggle our daily lives with our business. If you blog at night when your husband is in bed then you are doing a good job of balancing what works for you. Thank you for stopping by.
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things 🙂
Thank you, I appreciate your comment
Arleen recently posted…Juggling and Balancing Business Productivity
Hi Arleen,
I love the comparison you’ve made in this post. Indeed, balancing business tasks can be as hard as juggling. However, even though it’s extremely hard, it’s still possible. Thanks for this inspiring break, it made my day.
David Tucker recently posted…Best Essays: Clear Examples, Tips and Worst Bloopers
Anything is possible is you put your mind to it and believe it. I am glad you liked the inspiration.
Arleen recently posted…Koozies: So Much More Than Just Can Holders
Hi Madam Arleen,
This is a beautiful piece. I also do like the point you raised with respect to work with customers. That’s indeed true!
Emmanuel recently posted…What Really Causes Blogging Failure?
I glad you enjoyed our blog. You may be busy juggling everything, but your customers are key.
Arleen recently posted…Koozies: So Much More Than Just Can Holders
Great list to keep one focused and get results! Thanks!
Thanks Nicole! I’m glad you found this information useful 🙂
Good article, Arleen. It’s funny how we tend to gravitate towards the things we really are passionate about and are good at, even when other tasks are on our to-do list.
I tell people I’m “cleaning the oven” when I’m procrastinating. But I’ve learned to manage my time slightly better by doing the things that require full brain power in the morning and save the mindless stuff for late in the day or evening.
I run 3 businesses and wrote a book about how to create and run multiple businesses. It definitely isn’t for everyone, but type A multi-taskers would appreciate it.
Julie recently posted…Running Innovation
I love it. I think that will be my new line, I am cleaning the oven. I think the more we put on ourselves it is surprising the more we can do. I am multi-tasker but my promotional products business is enough for me to handle. Thank you for stopping by.
Arleen recently posted…Koozies: So Much More Than Just Can Holders
Hi Arleen,
I love your article on productivity! It’s very important when running a business you manage your time wisely. I currently have an agenda for every day of the week. It’s also important to take a day of the week for yourself and break away from work. This will help you recover, refocus, and not get over whelm.
Great post!
Nancy Badillo recently posted…Google Page Rank
You are so right about taking a break from work. I used to be on the computer working my business until 2 or 3 in the morning. I am trying to be off by 8:00 PM, it doesn’t always work but it will not only help to refocus it helps my sleeping. Thank you for you input
Arleen recently posted…Koozies: So Much More Than Just Can Holders
I like your tips especially 80-20 Rule. My favourite quote of yours is from An Ideal day: “Remembering what made your business day successful will give you a greater chance of recreating that success. ” Thanks Arleen!
Emoke recently posted…iPad app and iPhone app for kids Ages 5 and up
I liked the quote also because you can never forget what has made you successful.
Arleen recently posted…What does it mean to Pay It Forward?
Yes like you I’m to busy to, no time to watch movie, or go to gym, so I think ill try your 6 ways and the 1st will be the hardest, how to manage my time. Keeping journal or other monitoring item will help i guess, and choosing priority will be another problem for me. Can you post a separate article on choosing priority?
Small business SEO recently posted…Business Growth
Managing time is the key to productivity. Thank you for the suggestion. I will give it some thought about an article on priorities.
Arleen recently posted…How Sawaya Found the Building Blocks to Success
The internet is fueling the success of music because it can be listened to at any time of the day and anywhere
in the world. And once you have your own project that you want to promote, you must have considered the radio
as one of the best alternatives to introduce your music to
the crowds. These channels offer a variety of genres
for the user.
Information zum Kauf von Schwimmerschaltern recently posted…Information zum Kauf von Schwimmerschaltern
Hi Arleen,
WOW…that video is awesome!!! He is extraordinaire. He should be in “That’s Incredible” show. But I doubt if that show even exist today. But He sure knows his stuff and perfected his expertise since he was 8. Wow…I’d say patience.
You know…
Sometimes I juggle too much. And when I find myself doing this, I back off right away and try to balance myself. I will not juggle any more on my plate unless I can manage it. That is like “biting more than you could chew.” I’m better off knowing what I’m capable of doing and handling for the time being than compromising myself to a total disaster.
Anyway…I am very passionate about Blogging. To me, this isn’t work at all. Reading my friends’ posts and commenting here is a pure JOY to me. Writing is also a passion of mine. I’ve always wanted to be a Writer and now that this is my CHANCE. I love the Internet, the people that I meet, the friends that I make, and the whole idea of networking online.
You have given great advice on how to make your customers feel important. I love the list you’ve given here. You know every once a month I attend the eWomen Network. And in this event, some women contribute stuff like “prices” for drawing tickets (i.e. if someone is selling Coffee for losing weight, they’d contribute that for consolation prizes). Well, I want to contribute someday. Perhaps buy something like a “promotional bag” with my logo on it…do you think this would be a good idea to promote my business offline? What would you advice? I’m thinking…if I promote something like this, would these women say, “I don’t wanna use that bag. That’s free promotion of her business.” You know how some people react with some logo on there?!
OR, another promotion I’m thinking is give a FREE website design with 3-months website hosting service. What do you think?
(…in this case, it just dawn on me that if I wanted to create a promotional item such as this I think I need a printer more so I can print my own coupon or a card that states the FREE website design with 3-months hosting service). I do need a printer. I’m still shopping for it. LOL
…and so as far as promotional items are concerned, you do have a lot of ideas here in your store. So perhaps I will snoop around and check out more later in your store. Yeah. Great idea.
Angela McCall recently posted…The Visual Artist
Angela- As funny as it may seem people don’t look at the proportional product as why would I keep that it has a logo of a company on it. If promotional products didn’t work I would be out of business. It is a $19 Billion dollar business. Everyone likes something for free. Giving away a free website design with a 3 month website hosting service is too much. Your time is worth something. Just knowing what goes into a website I think it is too much to give away. Maybe offer to do a flyer. The advantage of most promotional products is that hang around for awhile and get maximum exposure and your name is always in front of the recipient.
Arleen recently posted…How Taking a Break Can Help You Be More Productive
Its like you read my mind! You seem to know a lot about this,
like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you
could do with a few pics to drive the message home a bit, but instead
of that, this is magnificent blog. An excellent read. I will certainly be back.
trading strategies forex recently posted…trading strategies forex
Wow that was unusual. I just wrote an extremely long comment but after I clicked submit my
comment didn’t appear. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again.
Anyway, just wanted to say excellent blog!
animations recently posted…animations
I am sorry you lost everything. That happens to me so now I copy what I write put it in notepad, so if it doesn’t work I have written in the first place. Glad you enjoyed the blog.
Arleen recently posted…Bar Rescue Saves the Day with Souvenir Cups
It is pretty worth enough for me. In my opinion, if all website owners and bloggers will make good content as you did then internet will be a lot more useful
Thank you for the compliment.
Arleen recently posted…Super Bowl Advertising: You Don’t Need a Commercial Just Some Creativity